In this section:
As parents we are so pleased we chose St Botolph’s as we feel both of our children have had exemplary support and care as they have progressed through their school year.
I would highly recommend this school to anybody. Even though my daughter is one of the youngest in the year, she has excelled in all areas….Great teachers and great school.
My child is very happy at St Botolph’s and enjoys coming to school each day, his progress has been magnificent and we are so proud of all he has achieved…. All in all we are extremely happy with this wonderful school!
From before your child even starts at our school we ensure you are aware of how important attendance is. Excellent attendance at school allows a child to have the best possible start in life.
Our policies and procedures are embedded in our daily practice. Children cannot achieve academically, personally or socially if they do not attend school regularly.
Excellent attendance at school is an expectation in order for our pupils to achieve their best. We aim to achieve 96% as an average whole school attendance. Our whole school attendance is very strong and this was praised during our recent Ofsted inspection.
Miss Lawley, our Deputy head teacher, is our attendance officer. She is supported in the rigorous monitoring of attendance by Mrs Pepper and Mrs Small as well as Mrs Robe.
We follow our new Attendance Policy to ensure we consistently and positively support families whose children are not attending school regularly enough or who are frequently late.
We have had success in helping families to improve attendance through our partnership approach with parents, the pupils and multi agencies such as health, social care and benefits organisations.
Parents are informed regularly by letter, of their child's attendance, if there is a cause for concern and meetings and support is offered to all families who need help with their child's attendance.
It is extremely important, as outlined in our policy, that parents/carers inform us each day of their child's absence. Please report the absence to the office as soon as possible. Let us know the child’s name, class and brief explanation for their absence by telephone (leave a message on the answerphone), Weduc or in person. Unexplained absences will be followed up by a phone call, Weduc message and/or letter on the first day of absence if no message is received.
If you wish to take your child out of school during term time, then a Pupil Absence Request Form should be completed. This will be reviewed by a Governor group and a letter returned home to notify whether or not the absence is authorised.
Further information about term time absence and our Absence Policy can be found below.
National statutory guidance dictates that head teachers should not authorise term time holidays. We do not authorise any term time holidays unless there are exceptional circumstances. Absences of 5 days or more in any one academic year could result in a penalty notice being issued by the LA.
Mrs Pepper (Head Teacher)
St Botolph's C of E Primary School
Forest Street
LE12 9DA
Tel: 01509 503387
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