In this section:
I think OFSTED should consider this school for outstanding status! My child loves going to school and is progressing exceptionally well. The teachers are 100% dedicated and the kids love them, which helps immensely.
The school meets every requirement we have. I’m happy with all areas and feel the school in our eyes is outstanding.
Our daughter is very happy. We have no issues and would happily recommend the school to any prospective parents.
St Botolph's C of E Primary School is part of a group of 8 local primary schools that together form
The Beskilled Partnership.
The other school's in the partnership are:
This group was intially formed in 2015 as a moral commitment made together by Headteachers, Staff and Governors.
We aim to broaden the quality of learning experiences and cultural capital to develop character, respect, inclusivity and celebrate diversity so that we can support effective transition into the next phase of each child's learning journey.
We aim to enhance teaching and learning through widening professional opportunities, developing best practise and expertise within a safe but challenging environment.
We aim to provide quality assurance of strategic leadership through challenging dialogue, sharing best practise and pooling resources whilst offering a mutually supportive culture of openness, honesty and transparency.
We aim to ensure effective governance through broadening experiences across the Be Skilled Partnership, sharing skill sets and expertise whilst monitoring educational and financial performance in order to provide robust strategic challenge and support.
All pupils in each school have opportunities each year to take part in different activities with children in their year group from the other schools, both sporting and academic.
All staff regardless of their role in school have opportunities to meet together regularly each half term in year groups or phases to discuss aspects of learning and teaching thereby further developing their expertise.
Schools share resources and training thereby ensuring that all staff receive the highest quality professional development ensuring that our curriculum provision engages, challenges and prepares children to become the effective citizens of tomorrow.
Governors from each school meet together regularly to review and plan for the future sustainability of the trust schools, they work with the headteachers and staff to plan future events and activities and hold the senior leaders accountable for the work they do as a trust.
Across the eight schools there is a wealth of experience and knowledge that we use to challenge each other in terms of the quality of what we provide for your children.We are challenged as Headteachers and at leadership at all levels. Chairs of Governors are involved in monitoring the work of the Partnership at a strategic level.
Mrs Pepper (Head Teacher)
St Botolph's C of E Primary School
Forest Street
LE12 9DA
Tel: 01509 503387
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